Standards in both the national and international markets have kept on deteriorating and there is the lack of awareness and the fear in the minds of the producers of the drugs to maintain at proper standards. There have been many reports of the drug safety violations in the recent past. Some can be quoted like that of the misuse of drugs, drug malpractice, malfunctioning drugs, void drugs and the false advertising claims. These are some of the common drug safety violation that has been reported in the United States of America in the recent past. Here let us have the discussion about the drug safety measures, the common methods of implementing the drug safety software and other means of protecting the value for the drugs which save the life of many people. The drug safety methods not only need to make sure that the drugs are pure but also to make sure that these drugs are according to the latest standards of the FDA. The EMEA along with the FDA in collaboration with the health authorities of the different states in the United States of America make sure that there is the proper manufacturing of drugs in all parts of the world. When there is the norm that is being developed then one can say that all the drugs can be made sure that they are manufactured in par with the standards. There is also the presence of software and other web related stuff which are being used nowadays to check for the drug safety measures. With the advent of the internet and other sensing technology one can be able to run a quick scan through all the components of the drugs and ensure that they are present with the safety norms. Drug safety monitoring has been maintained as a separate department by many of the drug manufacturing companies. The companies have recruited a lot number of people in the recent years to ensure that there is no malpractice or any malfunctioning that is happening during the drug manufacturing process. Also there are the certain managements which provide with the centralized tracking software which excludes the presence of any foreign particles which are said to be as the infectious to all the common drugs. Thus one can say that the drug safety though was not aware in the olden days now has taken a giant leap and made sure that there is proper manufacturing and packing of drugs. This in turn has made the customers who are the patients more confident of purchasing and using these drugs.

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